To determine whether or not you should consider cosmetic dentistry stand in front of a mirror in good bright light and answer the following questions:

INTELIDENT | Clinica stomatologica


  • Do you feel awkward or self-conscious about your smile?
  • Do you ever put your hand over your mouth when you talk or smile?
  • Do you wish your teeth were whiter ?
  • Do you show too many or too few teeth when you smile?
  • Do you show too much or too little gum when you smile?
  • Are your gums puffy red or swollen looking? Do they bleed easily?
  • Do you like the way your teeth are shaped ?
  • Would you like your teeth to be straighter ?
  • If money wasn't an issue would there be anything you would change about your smile?
  • Do you have old fillings or dental work that makes you less confident about your smile or appearance?
  • Are any of your teeth missing?


If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then may be you should consider cosmetic dentistry.

What a difference your smile makes!

It is one of the first things people notice about you. A beautiful smile can improve your self-esteem and give you greater confidence changing the way others see you and how you see yourself.
Whatever improvements you would like, we now have the techniques and procedures available to create a beautiful, natural smile.